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Heards Ferry Elementary School

Heards Ferry Elementary School Homes For Sale

Search homes near Heards Ferry Elementary Atlanta GA

Established back in 1970, Heards Ferry Elementary School has a student population of right around 705 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade. According to most school rating websites, Heards Ferry is considered one of the top elementary schools and it’s also mentioned as being rated higher than 97 percent of elementary schools in all of Georgia according to In 2016, Herds Ferry Elementary School earned the Governor’s Office National School of Excellence Award and in 2018 it officially became part of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme. For information about Atlanta homes for sale near Heards Ferry Elementary Schoool, check out what’s currently listed on the MLS below or give us a call at your earliest convenience to schedule a private tour of anything you see that fits your needs and wants in a new place to live.

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