Chamblee High School
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Chamblee Charter High School, or Chamblee High School for short, is a public school in Chamblee, Georgia. Having opened all the way back in 1917, Chamblee High School is actually the second oldest high school in the DeKalb County School District, and also a school that has an enrollment of right around 1,500 students. In 1996, Chamblee Charter School was named a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, and it also one of the 27% of schools in DeKalb County to make the AYP of the No Child Left Behind Act. In addition, Newsweek magazine also once ranked Chamblee High School #215 on its list of the 1,500 best public high schools. Chamblee High School’s colors are blue and gold and its mascot is the Bulldogs. For information about Atlanta homes for sale near Chamblee High School, check out what’s currently listed on the MLS below or give us a call at your earliest convenience to schedule a private tour of anything you might see what fits your needs and wants in a new place to live.
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