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Taste of Atlanta Returns in October, Tickets on Sale July 11

Taste of Atlanta returns October 24-26th and will feature goodies from dozens of Atlanta restaurants. The event goes on sale July 11 with ticket prices starting at $25 for General Admission (in advance), $35 at the event and includes 10 taste coupons (extra coupons are $1 each). VIP cost $75 now, $85 at the event, and will include 10 taste coupons, soevenirs, and exclusive access to the Wine+Beer+Cocktail Experience. Festival Kickoff Party begins on Friday, Oct 24 at 7:30pm and the festival runs from 11am-6pm Saturday and Sunday (VIP Experience is 12:30-5:30pm). This will be held across 10 blocks in Midtown at Tech Square, including Spring and Fifth streets.

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